Inspiration for Women of Freedom
When I chose FREEDOM as the common thread to connect the 6 women who’s stories I would tell through jewelry design for the 2017 Extraordinar
Woman of Freedom - Malala Yousafzai
I am free to be Authentic and free to be Educated. I am free to be Truthful, Outspoken, Courageous and Equal. I am free to be a...
Flux and Flame
The flame of the torch turns green during soldering because the flux used to prevent oxidation allowing the solder to flow burns off....
Women of the Gold Rush | Part 1
A jewelry designers hunt for the Extraordinary Women of history who through their courage, empowered women of the future to have...
Women of the Gold Rush | Part 2
...continued from Part 1. I’m not sure there are words I can put on paper to translate the feelings I had as I pulled into Frisco,...
Into Africa
After many months of planning, researching, mailing documents and asking many questions I was finally ready to begin packing for my...
The Ethical Bench | Growing the Green Jewelry Movement
I recently sat in on a webinar with Christine Dhein from Revere Academy on green bench practices. She has long been recognized as the...
Hang on! Here we go!
The build-out is about to begin with the key to the new space in our hands as of August 1st. As all the many months of planning is about...
The Ethical Bench | Upcycle Update
My usual approach to nearly every project I’ve ever done in my life has been DIY. The build out of my new shop is no exception. I’ve...
The Elevation Cuff | Serious Metal Lust
The redesign of my new shop has kept me so busy for the last year that I have not had a single moment to enter any design contests but...